Meet Jason

Hi, I’m Jason! Hello and welcome! My name is Jason Flores and this is the story of my life experiences, observations, and interpretations (whether good or bad) that I hope you can learn, relate, or are inspired by in your own lives. I know what you are thinking, here we go again another plain Jane […]
Difference between a champ and chump is “U”

The standard greeting “hi, how are you” is one that we hear multiple times a day and usually have a simple response that comes to mind. While I respond with a “doing well thanks, how about yourself?”, deep down I’m really just making it through each hour until my head can hit the pillow.
2020 Self Reflection and 2021 Intentions

Annual self reflection and intention setting brings me to Cabo San Lucas 😎 Boy, the silver linings this year were a worthy lesson. High level themes include the power of mindset and perspectives. Leading with the heart. Vulnerability. It’s truly been a year of refocusing my lens and tweaking my own formula. I found the […]